Morningstar API Center Overview
Technology Information

The Morningstar Equity Data API Center is built for ease of use, performance, and reliability to help you rapidly develop your applications. The API Center provides easy access to Morningstar's vast collection of global financial data through standard REST or SOAP APIs. Our APIs are built on Morningstar's world-class infrastructure to ensure availability, speed, and responsiveness.

If you choose to use SOAP, we recommend you use one of the many freely available SOAP toolkits to manage the details of the API connection, requests, and responses. You also have the option of using our REST interface through GET or POST HTTP requests. Your request data is returned to you in either XML or JSON format, or as a PDF if a request is made to the PDF Center.

Authentication and Authorization

An email and password combination is used to authenticate Morningstar Equity Data API users. Once you are logged in with a valid email and password, a token is provided to access our APIs. The valid combination of the token, email, and password will provide access to specified APIs for a defined period of time.


The Morningstar Equity Data API Center offers both live and test environments.

The live environment offers Morningstar's full universe of equity data with continuous updates and complete historical data.

The test environment is intended for trial and client development purposes. The test environment operates in the same manner as the live environment, except with a limited universe of equity data. There is 10 years of historical data available in the test environment and the data is updated only monthly.